
ROTNNR (Resolution of the New Nationalist Revolution) is a literary work in progress that has seen many revisions and much fine tuning since its first draft in 2012. Most of the future blogs that will be published here are from actual content found in ROTNNR as of its current writing. There could be some alterations made for some blogs to provide more information as these blogs may not contain the complete subject as it is originally written within ROTNNR. My work has been a thorough result through my years of in depth research and can be verified with evidence. Certain subjects that are surrounded by speculation will have annotations and explanations with an honest and unbiased understanding. Some subjects were written as an honest rant and may also see publishing in this blog as well. ROTNNR will be published in English and will be translated into Anglish for future gener- ations of readers; and it will eventually be translated into other Germanic languages at a later date.

Professors and students may source my content for academic purposes only. Bloggers and writers may source my content for their own blogs only. ROTNNR will be protected against plagiarism and theft for capital, financial, and or any other private gain.


Now read this

The 19th Century National Socialist Movement

The history of National Socialism is quite complex and originates from the American Revolution (First Constitutional Republic) through to the crisis and political division of America during its Reconstruction (Second Constitutional... Continue →